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FM Broadcast – Summer 2018

A word that has been top of mind lately is Trust. As we see strong management teams work together to build great organizations, we realize that trusting one another is the key enabler of that success...

FM Broadcast – Spring 2018

As many of our clients know, a hot global economy and record-low unemployment are tightening the supply of high-performing executives, challenging companies to find, attract and keep top performers. In fact, failure to attract and retain talent is the top concern for global CEOs, according to a recent survey by the Conference Board...

When Employees Go Viral: Employee Speech Within and Outside the Workplace

On October 10th, 2017, FlemingMartin hosted an event for C-suite executives to discuss how to handle when Employees Go Viral.

Protected: Blue Angels on the USS Potomac – October 7, 2017

On October 7, we enjoyed a spectacular Client Appreciation Day on the San Francisco Bay on board the USS Potomac. We watched the World Famous Blue Angels with commentary from Captain George “Elwood” Dom, USN (Ret) and Captain Steve “Axel” Foley, USN (Ret) both former Flight Leaders of the Blue Angels.

Presentation: Deliberate Leadership

Steve “Axel” Foley, former Commander for the U.S. Navy’s “Blue Angels” Squadron and former Division Head at TOPGUN, presented to the 101 Executive Alliance on the topic of Deliberate Leadership...

Presentation: Building a Holistic Brand & Culture Strategy

Tony Wessling (Managing Principal at CHROMIUM) presented to our San Francisco HR Leaders group on Building a Holistic Brand & Culture Strategy. Tony shared his expertise about the brand and culture continuum.

FM Broadcast – Spring 2017

A recent article in The Information (subscription required) has generated quite a lot of discussion in the tech industry. In the article “Help Wanted: Private Tech CFO,” the writer points to a high and relatively unmet demand for tech CFOs with IPO experience...

Presentation: Rebranding Your Company – Thoughts from Glassdoor

Carmel Galvin (CHRO at Glassdoor) presented to our San Francisco HR Leaders group on Rebranding Your Company. She shared insightful best practices on how culture drives success, how to define, share and influence your company brand and how to effectively engage employees.

Presentation: The Future of HR

Edie Goldberg (President of E.L. Goldberg & Associates) and Tracy Layney (SVP & CHRO at Shutterfly, Inc.) presented to our San Francisco HR Leaders group on the Future of Human Resources. They shared their vision for disruptively accelerating HR and organizations in order to thrive in the future social and work ecosystem.

FM Broadcast – Fall 2016

We recently got together with a Chief Human Resources Officer who has been a long-time client, and she shared an insightful and funny story that really resonated. Early in her career, her boss and mentor challenged her to stop being a “compliance cop” and start behaving as a businessman (well, businesswoman, in this case). “Think operationally,” he said. “Help me get business done, and use your powers for good!” Those words were exactly what she needed to hear, and that advice has served as the guiding principle throughout her career.

FM Broadcast – Spring 2016

Everyone in the executive search business has that one, especially unfortunate assignment that they will never forget. A few years ago, we were retained to fill a critical role for a fast-growing tech company that had been acquired by a Fortune 500 corporation. Within short order, we had four incredible candidates—all actively working in great companies, but also very excited about our client and the impact that they could have in the role.

Presentation: The Current Economic Forecast

John C. Williams, President & CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, presented a lecture titled The Current Economic Forecast earlier this month at the Bishop Ranch Forum in San Ramon. The tone of Mr. Williams’ presentation was one of optimism...

FM Broadcast – Winter 2016

Each of us is in a race. Perhaps we are racing against ourselves, trying to do better than we did last year professionally or in our personal lives. In business, we are racing against our competitors to develop the best products, solve complex issues, take market share, and provide a higher return to our investors. We cannot win the race if we always “play it safe” and stay in the slow lane. You have to speed up to pass someone, which is risky, but you can take steps to mitigate that risk and still win.

Presentation: The Future of Work

Jon Meyers from Mercer’s Human Capital division presented to our San Francisco HR Leaders group on the Future of Work and shared many valuable insights including the overwhelming number of choices in healthcare technology (slide 16) and the explosion of talent acquisition technology companies (slide 28). We encourage you to check out the presentation.

FM Broadcast – Fall 2015

“I need somebody in here yesterday.” Like all search firms, we want to complete searches as quickly as possible with the best candidates for the job. We typically target 90 days from the day we kick off the search to when the selected executive accepts the offer. The stars have to align pretty well in order for a disciplined search to be significantly shorter than that.

FM Broadcast – Spring 2015

At a recent HR Executive Lunch we hosted in San Francisco, a common point of discussion was finding and keeping the best talent in a highly competitive market. One Chief People Officer said it this way, “One of our biggest issues is competing against the behemoth companies for talent. We can’t compete on compensation anymore, and when the Google’s of the world are buying people, we have to offer something different.”

FM Broadcast – Winter 2014-2015

Looking back on 2014... California finally got some much needed rain and snow, the U.S. economy came back strong in spite of political gridlock in the nation’s capital, and Navy’s football win-streak against Army became a teenager (Fleming tried to edit this part out).

FM Broadcast – Fall 2014

The kids are back in school, summer is officially over and the Finance team is getting ready to drive the 2015 budgeting process. Globally we are seeing increasing political instability; nationally we are seeing a slow, but sustained economic recovery, and in California the traffic tells us that the economy is recovering nicely, but we could really use some rain.

FlemingMartin Hosts Chief Economists from Visa and the City of San Francisco

FlemingMartin co-hosted a Chief Economists Panel featuring Ted Egan, Chief Economist, City of San Francisco and Wayne Best, Chief Economist, Visa International. Every month, FlemingMartin co-hosts an HR Leaders’ Forum and a C-Suite Forum.

FM Broadcast – Summer 2014

The kids are back in school, summer is officially over and the Finance team is getting ready to drive the 2015 budgeting process. Globally we are seeing increasing political instability; nationally we are seeing a slow, but sustained economic recovery, and in California the traffic tells us that the economy is recovering nicely, but we could really use some rain.